Eating Off the Street

Photo Credit: Keith Bacongco via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Keith Bacongco via Compfight cc

One of the things we learned a lot about before going to India as missionaries was food safety.  How to prepare food and what to avoid so that, hopefully, you could keep from spending all of your time in the bathroom!

Well, shortly after our arrival in India, some friends were telling us about their upcoming trip to Thailand.  Tilly* was gushing, “It’s so clean there that you can eat food off the street!”  That stopped me cold.  I had visions of my two small children eating an egg off of the sidewalk.  I thought Why in the world would I want to eat my food off the street?  I don’t care how clean it is!

I was too embarrassed to ask her what she meant.  It was only later that I realized she was referring to eating food from street vendors!  It still makes me laugh thinking about it!

*Name has been changed